


For my Products and Markets class final project, I worked closely with teammates to create a business model that was driven by the motive of creating value for stakeholders through an informed understanding of our target market.

United by a love for the outdoors, we set out to create a solution for people who didn’t grow up learning camping skills and whose desire to learn outdoor skills isn’t met by existing educational resources.


Our solution was an affordable camping class for young adults with a focus on fostering collaboration and hands-on learning. This solution wasn’t just theoretical - we actually held a class, had a blast, and collected quantitative and qualitative evidence to support our hypothesis that this target market existed and was underserved. My role on the team included:

  • Designing feedback mechanisms (i.e. designing surveys) to collect information about our target market
  • Conducting research with our target market (i.e. interviewing people and helping run the class) and synthesizing feedback to draw conclusions about our hypotheses
  • Being a key speaker during presentations

From our experiments and customer engagements, we had anecdotal evidence and numerical evidence that concludes with high confidence that people got a lot of value out of our class; moving forward, we would need to engage a larger number of people in our test classes and test different price points to ascribe statistical significance to our observations.

  • In-person customer research and engagement.
  • Value proposition design.
  • Project management: determining and refining scope, maintaining project schedule, and coordination with multiple team members.